Saturday, August 31, 2019
The Yoshida Doctrine
Every foreign relation that a Nation-State enters is always self-serving. A country enters into an agreement with another for the purpose of achieving its national goals, and preserving its national security. When a country is in need of aid, whether in the economic or defense facet, the first option that that country would take is to enter into relations with other nations, and the first country on their list would be the United States. The United States has been the World Superpower since time immemorial, dominating the world in almost all aspects. Consequently, when countries are in need of aid, the US is their first option in mind to turn to. When Japan was grappled by the crippling effects of the Second World War, their intuition dictated for them to enter into foreign relations with the US ââ¬â Thus, the Yoshida Doctrine was born. The doctrine was named after Yoshida Shigeru, a Japanese diplomat and politician who served as Prime Minister of Japan from 1946 to 1947 and from 1948 to 1954, during the critical transition period after World War II (http://www. newworldencyclopedia. rg/entry/Yoshida_Shigeru). This paper aims to give an overview on the foreign relations of Japan on a global level focusing on the present time period. Times are changing in unimaginable ways. There have been great changes which can be viewed as positive or negative depending on whom the observer is; in this case, the relations between Japan and the US. What was once an acceptable agreement in the past may now be of little or no importance when applied to the present. Often times we hear the quote: ââ¬Å"the only thing constant in the world is change. With this in mind, everything that a country would enter must be done with utmost clarity, and must take into consideration the circumstances of every case which may be applicable to it. The circumstances which may have warranted the application of the Yoshida Doctrine in the past may not anymore be applicable at present; thus, there would be a need to abolish or amend certain provisions of the aforementioned agreement for the proper application thereto. The Yoshida Doctrine was the product of an agreement between then Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida with the United States. The agreement was made to help Japan recover economically from the effects of the World War II. To be able to achieve this, Japan heavily relied on the United States for its military protection. This was the tactic seen by then Prime Minister Yoshida to alleviate the effects of the war and to help it recover as a nation economically. It can be said that the Yoshida Doctrine that Japan entered with the US was bilateral and asymmetrical. The doctrine was bilateral mainly because it was an agreement only between the US and Japan. Also, the doctrine was asymmetrical for the reason that the agreement was leaning more on the USââ¬â¢ benefit. At first glance, the doctrine truly is beneficial for Japan; however, in the long run, this benefit would be at the expense of Japanese national dignity. At the time of the Cold War, the doctrine dictates that the US will leave economic matters to the Japanese government. On the other hand, defense issues will be handled by the US. This would mean that the US would act in behalf of the Japanese military in handling Japanese defense. The military is an instrument of a state that holds the monopoly of the legitimate use of violence. The military is tasked to defend the nation-statesââ¬â¢ people from internal and external threats, and to maintain peace and order. These are the traditional roles of the military. A stateââ¬â¢s hold on its military is essential to its survival, and for the assurance of its sovereignty. If one is to be nuance about the situation concerning the Yoshida Doctrine that the US would handle matters on Japanese military on external defense, then this would mean that positions in the United Nations most especially the seats in the United Nations Security Council, the United States would as well hold. It is of utmost importance to point out that although I would like to prove that Japan could defend itself and stand on its own, it is still important for it to become a member of the United Nations Security Council. Being a member of the United Nations is crucial, since this international organization plays a huge role in fostering unity amongst the member countries. Japan is already a member of this prestigious organization and it should build on improving its relations with it. The United Nations was established in order to foster peace and unity among those countries who are parties to it. The United Nations does not seek to trample on the manner by which a country runs its government but aims for each of its country members to abide by its generally acceptable principles such as peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, and the like. As such, the members of the United Nations are in agreement that it is important to respect the rights of the different sovereignty that are part of it. This is important because it would give a sense of peace of mind to governments of the various member Nation-States since it knows that it has the freedom to govern its people without any outside influence, while at the same time knowing that it has alliances from other countries which would be of help when the need arises. There is no direct evidence that the United States benefited from the Yoshida Doctrine. But, a closer look into the agreement would reveal that the United States was able to influence Japan to a formidable extent. The United States has been touted as the most powerful country at present; consequently, every country would aspire to establish a relation with it, in one way or another. The presence of the United States military force in Japan gave the former the chance to control the latter by the mere presence that it has in their country. The Yoshida Doctrine has already served its purpose, and its dictate on the Japanese government at the present is no longer applicable. The doctrineââ¬â¢s purpose of giving Japan economic aid in exchange for handling the Japanese military has long since been able to establish itself. On the economic aspect, Japan is considered as one of the top countries in terms of economic growth. A country as rich as Japan has sufficient amount of resources needed to sustain its military workforce. At present,, It would be a very crucial decision to stray away from the Yoshida Doctrine since this may result to having a strained relation with the United States. However, it is still possible to enter into peaceful negotiations with countries to maintain their diplomacy with each other. At the present, Japan can now stand on its own both financially and on the level of security. This country has mastered economic policies with proofs from its domestic growth in colossal amounts.. Every government must have sufficient amount of income in order to support its needs such as education, livelihood, military, infrastructure and other relevant projects. The economic growth being enjoyed by Japan signals stability for their government. A crucial decision to remain free from the influence and dependence of the United States is a very difficult decision for Japan. However, these are risks that a government must be willing to take. The security force of any government should be taken seriously. The military is akin to the commander in chief of any organization. The military should pledge its loyalty to only one government otherwise, various problems and conflicts may arise. If the United States would continue to extend its aid to Japan pursuant to the Yoshida Doctrine, then I believe that the presence of the former in the latter country is there for the wrong reasons. This is where the argument becomes significant that an amendment of the doctrine is in order. The initial understanding of Japan and the United States is that the latter would extend its military service to the former to help it recover economically. I believe that this concern is no longer of issue at this day and age. The agreement should be rendered moot and academic. If Japan would still want to have the United States military force to be present in their country then a new agreement is in order, so that it would correspond to the present need thereof. As history would tell us, it is safe to say that too much alliance with a particular country affects the independence of that country. Whether the party concerned likes it or not, there will be decisions that it has to make in consideration of the country with whom it has an agreement with. This could adversely affect the foreign policy of that particular country to the prejudice of its constituents. It would be best for Japan to keep its alliance with the United States to a minimum and focus instead on its relations with, not only the United Nations, but more so, with all the other countries as well. It is better to maintain a good and harmonious relationship with the United Nations which is composed of several countries than to focus on enhancing its relations with a single country. The relationship of Japan and the United States could be eventually criticized to the prejudice of both countries. If Japan would continue its close relations on this intimate level with the United States it could be regarded as a country which would do everything and agree on anything that the latter agrees on. It is very important for any country to have independence and liberty free from any form of outside influence. I believe it would be best for Japan to nurture is relationship with other countries than to focus on the United States. For instance, Japan can improve its relations with countries with whom its relationship is not as strong as with the United States. Japan has a good head start, it is already a member of the United Nations and of the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors or more commonly known as G-20. The G-20 is composed of 19 countries and of the European Union whose aim is to address global economic issues. The group is composed of, United Kingdom, China, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, France, Germany, these countries among others. The point of the matter is that Japan should improve its relations with these countries instead of merely being complacent with its relationship with the United States. Japan should nurture its relations with France, China, Mexico and other countries comprising G-20 as this would be of great and beneficial advantage for their country. Japan has already proven its loyalty to the United States, thus, it is now time for it to move on to other countries. Japan may instead work on enhancing its relations with its neighboring countries in order to work on more policies for their benefit. Every country needs to maintain diplomatic relations with every possible government in order to better achieve its goal. Further, it can also be argued that the resources of Japan should be shared not only with the United States but with all other countries that are desperately in need of it and vice versa. The United States should not only favor those countries with whom it is able to receive something but it should also strive to allocate its resources even to those with whom it is unable to gain in return. It may sound ideal; however, it only means being civil. It only means living under agreements where profit is not the main reason for living. On a political aspect, the Yoshida Doctrine was made during the time of then Prime Minister Yoshida. The factors by which Then Prime Minister Yoshida was surrounded with may no longer be applicable at this present time of Prime Minister Taro Aso. The situation of Japan during the post World War II period is entirely different than today. Through several years, Japan has evolved politically. When Japan was still on the verge of recovery from the effects of World War II, it needed to have an ally to be able to rise up again. As such, then Prime Minister Yoshida, entered into an agreement which was to be known as the Yoshida Doctrine with the United States. In 2009, many years after World War II, Japan is regarded as the third largest economy. Japan has gained this status after years of hard work. Japan is considered as technologically advanced and has been accepting more and more investments, making it economically self sufficient. Statistics show that it has 0% population below poverty line. The relation of its economic growth with its political aspect is important. A government that has a flourishing economy is self-sufficient, thus, its government is capable of standing on its own. Thus, the Yoshida Doctrine would no longer be applicable at this time. Although it can be argued that it would be very difficult to just suddenly nullify the Yoshida Doctrine since there is a risk of misinterpretation on the part of the United States. Such act would consequently invite questions regarding Japanese intentions or its loyalty, still, a thorough study of this matter is proper for the best interests of Japan. Prime Minister Aso is faced with different challenges that his leadership and term has to face. The leaders of any government should view every agreement on a long term basis. Any crucial agreements being made should be examined in the light of all factors such as economic, military, or political aspects. A leader must always bear in mind that he is merely the representative of the country that he represent, he does not occupy the position to establish personal or beneficial interests for his own agenda. Instead, the thinking should always be two steps ahead. There should be a projection of circumstances with a thorough analysis of every possible conflict that may arise as a result of any agreement or treaty. Any agreement that a country seeks to enter must not be for the benefit of the reigning political party or person occupying the highest position of the land. The underlying reasons for entering into any agreement must transcend the political interests of a particular party. With this, it can be said that a revision of the Yoshida Doctrine is in order so that it would be made to adapt to the present situation facing Japan. The Yoshida Doctrine affected Japanââ¬â¢s foreign policy post World War II to a great extent. Japan surrendered its military force to the United States since it wanted to rehabilitate its economy which was destroyed by the war. As a result, the United States was tasked to take control of the military defense of Japan. Up to this day, Japan has maintained strong ties with the United States. Japan took the risk of allowing the United States to take control of their security while it was busy with gathering resources for its economic recovery. This set-up has its consequences that are being felt even to this day. When Japan agreed to enter into an agreement with the United States it did not look far into the future since it was merely concerned with the situation, post World War II. There was lack of foresight in analyzing the future. The criticism that could be raised today is that, as a result of the Yoshida Doctrine, Japan now finds it hard to gain ââ¬Å"independenceâ⬠from the United States and to gain a representing seat at the United Nations Security Council. If the Yoshida Doctrine be not amended, Japan will forever bear the stigma of being an ally of the United States. Japan has surrendered a very powerful weapon to the United States that is their military force. It can be said, that this would also result to giving up a big chunk of their sovereignty and independence as a country. Japan must re-examine its position and its resources. It must look at the bigger picture and determine whether or not it is still profitable for it to maintain close ties on this level with the United States. Japan must have given itself options and widened its horizons by thinking twice when it surrendered its military force in favor of another country, in this case, the United States. If the situation would be taken from a bigger perspective, avoiding any myopic view of the matter, a problem could be detected. One aspect that we can see is that the Yoshida Doctrine does not support the resort to war as a means to resolve conflicts. On the other hand, the United States is known to be active in supporting its military workforce by engaging in war with other nations to eliminate terrorists. There seems to be a conflict of principles undertaken by these two countries who aim to work as one. When the need arises for Japan to follow United States orders on the military aspect, Japan would have no voice and would have to abide by the agreement that it has entered with the United States. Japan is therefore left with no voice, no autonomy and no independence to protect its own country through ways that it believes in. The amendment of the Yoshida Doctrine would not totally cut the ties of Japan from the United States. It merely seeks to place Japan on its proper place. The leaders of Japan should take this matter seriously if it does not want to be forever bound to the doctrine that should have long been amended. Too much of everything is bad. A middle ground should be established between the ties that bind Japan and the United States. There should be room left for the government officials of Japan to exercise its decision making when it comes to defending the security of their country. Japan may use the experiences that it has acquired from the United States during those times when the latter has extended its aid to the former. From here, Japan could form its own strategy, its own plan, a defense system that it can call its own, free from any influence by the United States. In this way, Japan would gain more respect from other countries and could set a good example for other nations, giving the idea that a strong nation can do anything on its own with a little help from others. If, after a thorough analysis of the situation, Japan believes that it is not ready to go on an all out independence from the United States, then it may enter into an agreement with the latter that would still give them enough freedom to decide on their own. The United States in this regard would merely be there to guide Japan, instead of totally taking away the military sovereignty and independence of the latter. I am of the opinion that the Yoshida Doctrine should be reshaped to be made more applicable at this present time. Japan has long been able to stand on its own and has since recovered from the crisis that it was faced with in the past which necessitated surrender of the military to the United States. Independence of any country, free from any external influence should be the guiding principles of any nation since it must learn how to stand on its own. It would not however hurt to seek help from another country but this does not mean that one should have total reliance thereto. Japan should begin to reexamine and delve deeper into its motive for its close alliance with the United States. The United States has its own concerns and issues to address independent of Japan. This means that the United States always has to look out for its country first and foremost without having to consider the stake that other allies have over it. Throughout the years from the 1970ââ¬â¢ up to the present, many things have transpired. Japan has flourished economically, the United States became involved with defending its country by resorting to war, terrorism has become the major problem of the United States and so on. Japan should begin to take a different course from its overdependence with the United States, it should start taking the path that would give it more independence from the latter. To end my article, let me share with you a line that deserves to be pondered on: ââ¬Å"Freedom is the emancipation from the arbitrary rule of other men. â⬠This quote that was once uttered by Mortimer Adler fully encompasses the relationship that Japan has with the United States. If Japan puts its national sovereignty on its lists of priorities, then Japan must rethink its relationship with the United States, and think more than twice on their future transactions.
Friday, August 30, 2019
ECommerce: Questions with Answers
E-procurement is electronic acquisition of goods and services for organizations. Its goals are to purchase In lower prices, improve flow process, enameled maverick buying, faster purchase, and Increased productivity. . Discuss the role of intermediaries in BIB. Distinguish between buy-side and sell-side intermediaries. The role of intermediaries in BIB is to ensure buy and sell side conditional are coincide. Buy-side intermediaries involve one buyer to many sellers while sell-side intermediaries involve one seller to many buyers. 5. List the major e-supply chain management Infrastructures and enabling tools. Answer: Major e-supply chain management Infrastructures and enabling tools are DE', extranets, intranets, corporate portals, workflow systems, groupware, and Identification and tracking tools. . What are some of the major limitations of RIFF genealogy? Answer: Major limitations of RIFF technology are that cost of implementation, restriction of environments, accuracy, privacy, an d no unladed standards. 7. Define c-commerce. The use of digital technologies that enable companies to collaboratively plan, design, develop, manage, and research products, services, and innovative SEC applications. 10, 259 8. Define collaborative networks and distinguish them from traditional supply chain collaboration.Answer: The collaborative network allows partners at any point in the network to interact with ACH other directly, bypassing traditional partners. Interaction may occur among agents that act as aggregates, BIB exchanges, hubs, or logistics providers. 9. Define virtual teams, mass collaboration, and unified communication. Answer: Virtual team define as a group of employees using information and communications technologies to collaborate from different work bases. 274 Mass collaboration defines as a form of collective action that occurs when large numbers of people work independently on a single project, often modular in its nature.Wisped, 2011. Mass Collaboration. [on line] Available at: [Accessed 10 Gag 2011]. Unified communication defines as simplification of all forms of communication in the enterprise. 248 10. It is said that c-commerce signifies a move from a transaction focus to a relationship focus among supply chain members. Discuss. Answer: Since c-commerce increase communications and information flow, this tends to be more relationship focus among supply chain members than transaction focus.Part 2 Internet Exercise [2 %] 1 1 . Enter sap. Com and BEA. Mom, and find the key capabilities of their enterprise portals. List the benefits of using five of the capabilities of portals. Answer: Oracle enterprise portals offer easy integration, can customize for different business, improve communication without geographical limit, sharing information, and social computing service. SAP. Com offer single point access of information, collaboration and communication, increases people productivity, and provide managed content in the context of business applications.The benefits to those key capacities of portals are improve communication, enable elaboration within, increases productivity, improve sharing of information, and no geographical limit. 12. Enter lotus. Com and find their collaboration-support products. How do these products support groups? Answer: Messaging & collaboration Integrated collaborative environment including e-mail, calendaring and ability to extend with applications and collaboration tools. Social communications Integrated real-time collaboration services including presence, chat, voice, data, video, meetings and telephony.Online collaboration services Working together Just got easier with integrated social networking and online collaboration services from Lotuses. Social software Business collaboration and networking capabilities including dynamic profiles, wise, blobs, shared files, team spaces, and communities. Portals and mishaps Cohesive foundation to deliver exceptional user experiences enabling users personalized and compelling interactions with information, applications and people. Mobile collaboration and wireless Collaborate anywhere from your Apple, Monika, RIM or Windows Mobile device
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Responsibility to Relieve the Suffering Essay
The Responsibility to Relieve the Suffering - Essay Example Majority of the people hate to see others suffering. They want to do something that will end suffering. It is unfortunate that most of the strategies they adopt to relieve the suffering of others are not justified. In other cases, some people relent to relieve the suffering of others when they have the potential. This implies that there are different circumstances and realities that determine the willingness of an individual to respond. There are times when people relent to help and in some way, it is justified. These people count the cost and sometimes the price to pay is too high for them. According to Hardin, he highlights how thirty-seven people failed to save a woman, who was their neighbor, from an attack (779). Hardin explains how the onlookers failed to make a phone call to the police immediately they heard her cries and saw the assailant. It is not clear why these people did not want to make a move that would have saved their neighbor. Probably some of them were ignorant but it is clear that they wanted to stay clear of the story. Analysis of this story leaves one wondering why these people were so afraid of making a phone call. They wanted to help but a certain fear prevented them from doing so. From the perspective of Hardin, sometimes we do not have to help people undergoing suffering because we want them to learn things the hard way. He illustrates a classic example of how poor countries depend on aids from richer countries. Poor countries have challenges handling natural calamities such as hunger due to climate changes, diseases, earthquake, and floods. They rely on rich countries for help. The rich countries have a choice to make on how they respond to their cries. One option would be to educate the rest of the world on better strategies of planning and budgeting as well as disaster preparedness. They can also choose to donate part of their surplus to feed the hungry nations. It is clear in his reasoning that a lifeboat survives only if critical measures are put into place. Poor countries must learn how to budget and plan. They should adopt strategies that will ensure they are independent (Hanh and Weisman 18). In addition, it is essential to learn how to control their population so that it can survive on the available resources. If rich countries continue relieving their suffering without their own initiative of finding long-term solutions, then the lifeboat will sink. Poor countries multiply so fast and similar trends of population increase are predictable in the future. On the contrary, rich countries portray a more controlled population growth. There will be more dependents in society and the rich will exhaust their resources. Overpopulation in poor counties will rise to levels that the environment cannot sustain. People from poor countries will want to immigrate to rich countries to get easier access to a better life. This immigration will lead to environmental strain in rich countries. In both cases, the lifeboat will capsize. From the analysis of Hardinââ¬â¢s point of view, it is evident that it is justified to withhold help with good intentions. The rich countries are not selfish; they want the poor countries to take the first responsibility in eliminating their suffering. Poor countries should learn to be more responsible in terms of both governance and planning. If rich countries always choose to relieve the suffering of the poor countries by giving those aids, they will cause devastating effects both to themselves and to the rest of the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Change management, leadership and motivation of Nokia Assignment
Change management, leadership and motivation of Nokia - Assignment Example Nokia has an extended history of flourishing change and innovation which helped the company to adapt the shifts in markets and technologies. From its modest beginning with one paper mill, the company has taken part in many sectors over time; paper products, tires, plastics, rubber boots, consumer and industrial electronics, chemicals, cables, telecommunications infrastructure and more. (Nokia, 2015a). The journey of Nokia began in 1865 when Fredrik Idestam started a paper mill in Southwestern Finland which was followed by another mill on the banks of river Nokianvirta which inspired him to name his company ââ¬ËNokia ABââ¬â¢. Nokiaââ¬â¢s first step into telecom industry took place in the year 1967 when it was merged with a Finnish telecom company named Finnish Cable Works Ltd. The first telecom joint venture of Nokia with Finnish TV maker Salora was the establishment of Mobira Oy, a radio telecom firm (Nokia, 2015a). Nokia created a revolution in the telecom industry with sev eral achievements such as, evolution of the first cellular telecom network named Nordic mobile telephone service; introduction of Mobira Cityman and Mobira Senator; development of the Global System for Mobile (GSM) which is used in maximum number of commercial forms of communication. After tasting success in the telecom industry, Nokia solely concentrated on manufacturing superior phones. The entire nation was thankful to Nokia and the value of the company increased 500% with a global turnover from $8.9 billion to $42.8 billion (Nokia, 2015a).
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
What factors influencing Chinese parents tosend their children to Literature review
What factors influencing Chinese parents tosend their children to study abroad - Literature review Example Chinaââ¬â¢s system and policies for education have a number of weaknesses and areas for development for likely investment that cause parents to send their children overseas for better studies. Author Ryan discusses reforms on higher learning in China and compares them to those of international economies. According to Ryan, the influential hand of economic and political realities overwhelms modern relative and overseas studies of higher learning reforms (Ryan, 2011). Ryanââ¬â¢s text tries to provide an alternative cultural standpoint to explore the development and conversion of Chinaââ¬â¢s higher learning system. The book argues that Chinaââ¬â¢s culture philosophies affect the development of higher learning (Ryan, 2011). Even so, Ryan notes that current scientific literature does not offer his argument adequate attention. Researchers Li, Liu and Zhang, approximated returns made in the education sector in urban China in 2012. In this study, Li et al experientially approximated the return to learning through a twins model of data. The researchââ¬â¢s regular least-squares model approximated that a single year of learning raised a Chinese studentââ¬â¢s income by 8.4% (Li, Liu and Zhang 2012). When Li et al used the twins model, this return decreased to 2.7%, but increased to 3.8% after the adjustment of measurement error. These findings indicated that a huge part of the approximated returns to learning occurred because of absent ability or the family impact (Li et al., 2012). According to Li et al, this was proof that the return of education was low in urban China because of its current education system. In 2012, Li et al studied the medical learning system in China in an attempt to understand the countryââ¬â¢s national education system. According to Li et al, China is undergoing a crisis of poor and ruined doctor-patient relationships, which officials deny openly. Li et al says there are multiple reasons for the distrust
Monday, August 26, 2019
Fashion and Muslim Traditional Dress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Fashion and Muslim Traditional Dress - Essay Example The essay "Fashion and Muslim Traditional Dress" discovers the fashion in the context of Muslim Traditions. Muslim women are trying to be saved by both external and internal cultures. Western society seeks to liberate Muslim women from the shackles of oppression and bring them into a world where they have opportunities, but would be vulnerable without the protections offered in Muslim culture. Muslim cultures are attempting to shield women from Western values that objectify the body and strip from them their protections that define their status in Muslim society. Clothing is an integral part of how women are defined by both societies. Western societies see ââ¬Ëthe veilââ¬â¢ as a symbol of oppression while a Muslim woman who is inappropriately dressed loses respect and status within her community. The following paper will examine the position of Muslim female dress in modern contexts. The development of fashion that is acceptable outside of the Muslim community comes into confli ct with the purpose of dress within that community. Through innovative and creative design, fashion for Muslim women is becoming modernized while retaining its modest purpose. In defining female dress for modern contexts, the nature of fashion and Muslim tradition comes together to place women of Muslim into relationship with modern ideals while retaining elements of tradition that are important for Muslim identity. While female Muslim dress has a specific purpose as a representation of faith and adherence to tradition and law.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Walmart's retail link system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Walmart's retail link system - Essay Example Organizations will use various tools including technological tools to make this process effective, and one among them, which is being commonly used now, is RFID. Understanding their benefits, many well known organizations Harley Davidson, Walmart, etc., are incorporating RFID as part of their SCM, and are getting good results. When one particularly focuses on the RFID usage in Walmart, it is clear that it has been improving its operations, although some privacy concerns are raised against it. System of RFID RFID (short for Radio Frequency Identification) is electronics and Information technology (IT) based tool, which helps organizations to trace their finished products as well as the raw materials needed for making those products in the supply chain. Basic RFID system is made up of three components, a transponder (RF tag) electronically programmed with unique information, an antenna or Reader and a computer or a transceiver (with decoder). RFID works on the concept of invisible radi o waves, emitted by the microchip, which are attached to the consignment of raw materials and products, or even individual products of a particular company including retail company, which are being transported. Then, by using the reader or the antenna, which will detect the invisible radio waves, the position of the consignment or the product can be tracked. Also, the reader decodes the data encoded in the tag's integrated circuit (silicon chip) and then the data is passed to the host computer for processing and retrieval or transfer of the information. (ââ¬Å"Technologiesâ⬠). This can be used by the retail companies to track both the products and the raw materials being received from the suppliers, as well as the finished products, which are being transported to the supplier or distributor and the eventual customer. In addition RFID can also be used by retail companies as part of their operational processes. Inside manufacturing or assembly units or even storing unit, RFID re ader can identify individual materials, fitted with the RFID tag, and then route them to the relevant sections of those units. RFID in Walmart Walmart, one of the largest retailers, incorporated RFID tags as part of its operations in 2005, when it asked its suppliers to adopt this tool. The main reason for this decision is, it wanted its suppliers to know when the finished goods have arrived at the backdoor of the stores, thereby allowing them to make the plans. Plans in the sense, where to put or route those products, ranging from distribution centers, shop floor to the intended customers. ââ¬Å"The roll-out started in 2005 with a couple of hundred suppliers tagging cases being sent to 2 or 3 WalMart distribution centers in Texasâ⬠(ââ¬Å"RFID Newsâ⬠). Schwartz pointed out another application of RFID in Wal-Mart, ââ¬Å"In addition, another RFID tag placed at the entrance to the sales floor will tell the supplier, what is on the sales floor and what is left in the backr oom.â⬠This was expected to aid the suppliers by giving them a good read of their inventory figures, along with sales velocity. However, suppliers opposed this initiative due to issues like installation and maintenance costs (which were put on them by Walmart), ROI (Return of Investment), etc. Such opposition led to problematic implementation of RFID, but Walmart does not want to let go RFID. They wanted to optimally use it and so in 2010, they decided to incorporate it in its 3,000 stores in men's apparel area. ââ¬Å"These are little radio frequency ID RFID tags that are attached to the apparel that allow us toââ¬â
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Limist of data indicatiors for pupblic administrators Essay
Limist of data indicatiors for pupblic administrators - Essay Example Transparency International defines corruption as ââ¬Å"the abuse of entrusted power for private gain."1 On the other hand, freedom is defined by Freedom House as "the opportunity to act spontaneously in a variety of fields outside the control of the government and/or other centers of potential domination."2 We need to realize that both corruption and freedom have a common factor ââ¬â government. According to the assumptions of the media, countries with high levels of corruption, low levels of freedom, and high levels of unemployment, specifically among young men, are the main reasons why some countries face political vulnerability and turmoil. Table 1, located in Appendix I, shows rates of corruption according to CPI investigations and questions, which are based on methodology that measures countries according to two main categories ââ¬â political rights and civil liberties. Data Perceptions: An interesting line graph forms after studying the data in the Table 1 (located in Appendix I). This line graph shows how close the rates of freedom and unemployment are. More specifically, the graph shows that the country with the highest rate of freedom (least amount of freedom) is Libya (7.0). To compare this with another country, Tunisia has a rate of 6.0.
Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4
Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example It is expected that not any kind of people, but only a few with certain work personalities can become effective in particular kinds of jobs. This fact about employee types is attributed to five major personality types or characteristics found to be predominant among workers, namely: extroversion/introversion; emotional stability/instability; agreeableness/hostility; conscientiousness/heedlessness; and open-mindedness/closed-mindedness (Barrick and Mount, 1991). Depending on the line of work, there may be observed imbalances between the levels of each personality type, and this accounts for the predominating personality type among individuals in a particular work setting, which in turn dictates their success or failure in particular work settings or careers. ... ality types in each individual could affect the relative success or failure in each kind of job or work, thus it is important that aside from knowing the personal strengths and weaknesses of each individual, it is also relevant that the companyââ¬â¢s goals be clear and concise enough to be understood (Bruck and Allen, 2003). With this in mind, the workplace must be able to create an environment that cultivates the individualââ¬â¢s skills in various levels and areas while at the same time relying on each personââ¬â¢s predominating work personality type. Different personality types go well with certain kinds of work. Person-job (PJ) fitting and person-organisation (PO) fitting has been used to assess what kind of work would make particular types of people excel, as well as predicting those that may prove to be difficult for them (Ryan and Kristof-Brown, 2003). People rating high in extroversion levels are reported to be suitable to careers with greater public exposure such as sales, those which rate high in emotional stability are more suited to law-enforcement work lie in security or police work, conscientiousness is linked with meticulous and detailed work such as engineering and architecture, agreeableness goes well with public service work such as foundations or public health work, and openness is one trait that is lauded in the academics or in research work (Mullins, 2005; Touze, 2005). When the PJ or the PO rating is good, this implies that the person is able to reconcile personal beliefs, attitudes and work goals with the organisationââ¬â¢s own objectives, which increases the personââ¬â¢s chances of staying in the organisation and achieving personal satisfaction. However, when the PJ or PO rating is bad or low, chances are that the individualââ¬â¢s personal preferences simply
Friday, August 23, 2019
Stastistics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Stastistics - Assignment Example In order to calculate the risk, uncertainty estimates are provided by HSBC bank. The ââ¬ËMeanââ¬â¢ of uncertain returns for US Super Cars are equal to $2,092,868 and the fixed amount offered by HSBC is $2,150,000. If the uncertain revenues and the amount offered by HSBC are compared, the offer appears to be a very beneficial for US Supper Cars as the uncertain revenues are less than the money offered by HSBC and also by accepting this offer the exchange rate risk will be transferred from USA Super Cars to HSBC. In addition US Super Cars will not have to pay any additional charges (contractual fee etc.) to enter into the contract. Introduction The todayââ¬â¢s business environment is highly globalized and is truly lacking borders. The businesses have moved beyond domestic and national boundaries to include markets around the globe which has resulted in the increased interconnectedness of distant localities. The goods produced in one area of the world are consumed in a separate distant locality. The companies are outsourcing their productions to areas where labor or material costs are lower in the effort to earn higher profits. When local competition intensifies the organizations start catering to markets in other countries where competition is less and market is relatively immature. In such cross border transactions, organizations are exposed to exchange rate risk which they will not face if they are involved in merely domestic transactions. Moving beyond the boundaries has several positive as well as various negative aspects. On the positive side, the market is expanding day by day and the number of customers is increasing with the same proportion, therefore, the business sales increase rapidly. Keeping in view the fact, the US Super Car company has taken a step to sell their luxury sport cars in five (5) countries including the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, South Africa and United State of America. While doing business across the world, there is alway s a risk of fluctuation in the exchange rate that may result in an increase or decrease in the profit margin. There are certain calculations include but not limited to the standard deviations, mean, average, sum, and the profit which needs to be performed in order to cope with exchange rate uncertainty. Mean & Standard Deviation Initially, it is vital to calculate the mean, standard deviation and variance on the selling price of the customer. In order to perform the calculations, it is equivalently important to convert / exchange the money currencies into dollars (as we need to answer in dollars) (AGAInstitute, n.d). The following table shows the details of the calculated values of the mean, standard deviation and variance. In order to calculate the uncertain revenues in dollars, the dollar per local currency rate provided by HSBC bank is multiplied by the selling price and the quantity for example in order to calculate uncertain revenues generated by sales in UK, $1.41/? mean provi ded by HSBC is multiplied by the selling price in the UK which is equal to ?57,000 and the quantity sold (12). The product obtained is the uncertain revenue generated through sales in the UK. The same process is repeated to get uncertain revenues in each individual foreign country (Japan 1, Japan 2, Canada 1, Canada 2, and South Africa). The total
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Controversial issues of traditional arts Essay Example for Free
Controversial issues of traditional arts Essay Ulek Mayang could be haunted. it is a Malay traditional dance from the state of Terengganu in Malaysia accompanied by a unique song called Ulek Mayang the lyrics were changed (no one knows the real lyrics) the song remains popular and there are several contemporary interpretations of the song the original dance is to honor the spirit of the sea. The modern dance has no elements of worship, its more to music and dance. After the arrival of Islam, such practice has been stopped and the Ulek Mayang dance is only preserved to be part of the Malay culture. Even now, Ulek Mayang is nicknamed the ââ¬ËMost Haunted Culture in Malaysiaââ¬â¢.- However, some fishermen still practice this ritual. Agree: Some people claim that the song is haunted because it gives goosebumps and creepy feelings especially when it is performed at sunset by the beach People tend to avoid practising it nearby any beaches around the world, as according to the ancientsââ¬â¢ beliefs; those 7 Sea-Princesses shall always guard the 7 Seas. Whoever that breaks certain rules, no matter where they are, will pay the price. There has been cases of tourists jumping into the sea for no reason after they performed Ulek Mayang along the north-eastern beaches of Peninsular Malaysia. Some cases happen on land too. Going missing and receiving visits were the greatest fear whenever one performs Ulek Mayang. Disagree: According to ustaz, Ulek Mayang is not a ghost or jin. Its a popular song in Terengganu and is a type of lagu rakyat. The Ulek Mayang song used nowadays has been shortened as Malays count the full song as worshipping spirits which is syirik in Islam. The Malaysian rock diva, Ella once sung the song in a rock version Poco poco dance choreographed with sequence of steps. it is a type of aerobic dance believed to originated in Indonesia more than 20 years ago Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Perak banned poco- poco because they believe it is derived from Christianity. Agree: The dance originated from Jamaica and is actually a cult dance There are many Christian rituals to it as the moves reflect the making of a cross and so is unacceptable in Islam Disagree: The Malaysian Muslims are confused. There is no any literature or practical evidence showing that poco-poco is derived from Christianity either in Indonesia, Philippine or Jamaica. Poco poco movements with cross design can not be a sufficient justification because movement of left and right sides is a natural human movement. Even when human stretch his hands, it can be considered illegal if the method resembles the cross. Mahsuris curse: Myth or Legend? Summary: One day while Mahsuriââ¬â¢s husband was away fighting a war, Mahsuri offered shelter to a wandering minstrel. For that, Mahsuri was accused of committing adultery by the village chieftainââ¬â¢s wife. The village chieftain who was still smarting over Mahsuriââ¬â¢s rejection of his earlier marriage proposal, ordered Mahsuri to be condemned to death. It was said that at her execution Mahsuri bled white blood signifying her innocence. At her last breath, Mahsuri was said to utter a curse on Langkawi for which the island will remain barren for seven generations. Agree: Many locals of Langkawi believe the legend to be true due to failed crops after Mahsuris death. According to recorded history, the Siamese invaded Langkawi not long after Mahsuriââ¬â¢s death and razed the island to the ground with a scorched earth policy. And coincidentally, Langkawi did not become a major tourist hotspot until the birth of Wan Aishah bt Wan Nawawi, the seventh generation descendant of Mahsuri. Disagree: Some people think Mahsuris story most likely is real and the killing of Mahsuri most likely took place, but the curse of Langkawi and her white blood must be a part of myth because there is no prove or evidence. in this modern and science world, people think its logically untrue for a normal human being to have white blood
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
History of the Scientific Revolution
History of the Scientific Revolution What we call today as Modern Science and Technology is in fact not that modern, but was born nearly half a millennium ago at the time of Renaissance in Europe. According to traditional accounts, the scientific revolution began in Europe towards the end of the Renaissance Era lasting from 15th century to 18th century. Ancient people who are considered the first scientists called themselves ââ¬Å"natural philosophersâ⬠or ââ¬Å"practitioners of a skilled professionâ⬠or as ââ¬Å"followers of a religious traditionâ⬠. Both institutionally and conceptually, science was not the independent practice what we see today. Much of what we know as science originally was undertaken by priests and monks, and scientific knowledge was taught in temples and monasteries. The scientific revolution was not marked by any single change, but a century long process of discovery in which scientists further elaborated and developed the findings of those who had come beforeââ¬âfrom the scientific learning of the ancient Greeks to the scholarly contributions of the Islamic thinkers, to the work of the late medieval and early Renaissance Europeans. The Medieval Islamic Science period lasted from 7th century to 15th century, during which the Muslims were the leading scholars and the heirs to the scientific traditions of Greece, India and Persia. The Islamic Science suffered a gradual decline in the early 12th century which provided the Europeans an opportunity to seek and translate the works of Islamic philosophers and scientists. Beginning in the late 11th century and over the next two centuries the Islamic world was under pressure by The Crusades and Mongol conquests, during which libraries, observatories, hospitals, and universities were destroyed. In add ition to Mongolian invasions and the crusades, political mismanagement and the stifling of ijtihad in the 12th century in favor of taqlid thinking played a part. The destruction of the intellectual center of Baghdad the capital of the Abbasaid Caliphate in1258 is traditionally seen as the approximate end of the Islamic Golden Age. The translation of the Islamic texts into Latin during the 12th and 13th centuries had a great impact on the European Renaissance and helped Europe seize the initiative from the Muslims when political conditions in Islam brought about a decline in Islamic science. By the end of the 18th century, the Scientific Revolution had given birth to Industrial Revolution which dramatically transformed the daily lives of people around the world. During the 19th century, the practice of science became professionalized and institutionalized in ways that continued through the 20th century. According to many, scientific revolution was the prelude of a much bigger transformation, the Industrial Revolution which began in 1760ââ¬â¢s. The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in history and a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery, factories and mass production. The iron and textile industry, agriculture, and the invention of steam engine played central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw major changes in transportation and banking systems. These changes had a profound effect on the socio-economic and cultural conditions in England, and then subsequently spreading throughout the world. The first Industrial Revolution which took place from 1760 to somewhere between 1820 and 1840 evolved into the Second Industrial Revolution around 1850 and continued through the 19th century. However, the date of origin is still a highly debated topic among historians. While it is difficult to explain all of the examples of how technology has influenced cult ure and vice versa, reviewing a few examples from the last few centuries it is clear that the technology developed during and after the Industrial Revolution has changed cultures from simple farming villages to modern hustling cities and sprawling suburbs. What then is the relationship between Science, Technology and Culture? It is an intricate relationship that forms a figurative circle of influence with no real start or end points. Science, Technology and Culture continue to influence one another as they evolve and change over time. From 19th century onwards science, technology and culture have significantly influenced one another. As cultures change so does the technology they develop. A contemporary writer Raymond Williams, in his book Culture and Society regards the concept of culture as consisting of four jointly applicable meanings: A general state or habit of mind, having close relations with the idea of human perfection; A general state of intellectual development in a society as a whole; The general body of arts; and A whole way of lifematerial, intellectual, and spiritual. Culture is thus the totality of the technological, sociological and ideological features of a given society. Rationality, utility, ethics, freedom, and sociality are the central cultural elements of our societies. Because science and technology rest on these central cultural elements, the adoption of new knowledge and new devices does not always imply their acceptance. We often accept an innovation owing to its evident utility at the individual level, and then criticize it for its consequences at the collective or cultural level. Science and technology can contribute to the preservations and advancement of a culture. At the same time they can also help cause its mutation and destruction. Science has contributed a great deal to human welfare. It has produced miraculous cures for diseases which for a long time, were regarded incurable. It has brought the marvels on industrialism, technology and space exploration. But science has created as many problems as it helped to solve. It has le d to an undue stress on materialism and economic barbarism in the absence of controlling mental and moral ideas. The knowledge and power of science need to be harnessed to the service of man through the culture the finer sense and sensitivity of man. For instance, beginning in the mid 1950ââ¬â¢s, the post war years in Western Germany were marked by enormous obstacles. Due to extensive bombing destruction and dismantling of factories, various cultural and traditional supply networks were destroyed. Under this circumstance what role did culture play in the technological development of Western Germany? Stokes had argued that the way Western Germany approached technological change bound economic miracle both German past and to the countryââ¬â¢s present day industrial structure. The Western German approach, in other words, has drawn upon a set of German technological traditions that emerged in the large 19th and early 20th centuries, major characteristics of which include a drive for technical excellence tempered by gradual implementation of new technologies. There are two views about culture and Germanyââ¬â¢s Technological and Economic Miracle one view advanced by scholars about culture and Germanyââ¬â¢s technological and economic miracle is that the experience of skilled workers and the persistence of socio-economic relationships were important factors in permitting an economy to reconstruct itself after a disaster. A second, and a more recent view is that the important cultural factor that was responsible for Germanyââ¬â¢s technological and economic miracle was the ability of Western German technologists and industrialists to embrace technological alternatives. What then is the relationship between culture and technology? The culture of a society determines the nature of technological development and the evolving technological culture. Technology is thus a cultural enterprise is thus accepted that technology has had an important influence on Western civilizations for the last 300 years. But partly because of the diverse cultur es found in human societies, the contribution of some cultures to the pool of technological advances has been comparatively modest. However, technology has always been too important to be measured purely in terms of the activities of technologists. Just as history is not made by historians, but by society, so technology is not developed only by technologists but the wider community. Every human society possesses its own distinct culture, so that the members of one society behave differently in some significant respects from members of every other society. Furthermore, human societies are also distributed over very varied regions differing markedly in climate and environment. There are also very large ethnic, social and cultural differences between the various human communities and their economic conditions. In recent years the impact of culture on technology in most traditional societies has tended to bear on two opposing directions at once. On the one hand western technology is being sought virtually without limits on the other hand there is opposition to certain aspects of western lifestyles, attitudes and value. This phenomenon is termed as the techno-cultural gap between traditional values and western technology. Now, if we take these issues into full consideration, we are left to conclude that what is needed at this moment is not just an increase of interna tional technology transfer nor even the setting up of a screening mechanism permitting only appropriate technologies to be transferred, but rather a major at two levels: the domestic and the international. At the domestic level, it is important to build a popular technological awareness crossing the borderline between the so-called indigenous and modern technology people should become aware of the issues in culture and technology and they can improve their livelihood by modifying and improving indigenous and modern technologies. At the international level, the re-orientation and restructuring of science and technology must touch on two areas: On the study of science and technology in schools, scientists, technologists and science educationists of different cultures, languages and social systems must build new paradigms for science and technology education from a multicultural perspective. Science and technology must be seen as existing in all cultures, the issues must be taught and the potentials of these must be explored in situations of everyday life. An acceptance of the restructuring of RD systems could permit the developing and the industrialized countries to engage in a dialogue on alternative RD, assessment of technology for development, concrete measures to redirect government RD from technocratic to need-oriented technology development, etc and joint RD for alternative technologies. In the west, the pervasiveness of technologies like televisions, telephones, and computers is affecting the way we perceive the world and how we interact. In addition many new developments, like cloning, challenge fundamental cultural beliefs and traditions. While Western nations have become relatively accustomed to technological change since the industrial revolution, developing nations are just beginning to grapple with the problems of the rapid introduction of industrial and scientific technologies. There is growing awareness of the consequences of the interaction between science, technology and culture. However, we are just beginning to understand how to reconcile the benefits of science and technology-such as higher standards of living, longer life spans, more leisure time, and improved communications-with the possibility of reshaping, many cultures and possibly redefining fundamental aspects of society. As science and technology continue to advance, the ways in which people communicate, perpetuate, and develop their knowledge and attitudes toward individuals, as well as local, national, and international communities, will continue to undergo radical change. The continuing development of science and technology is not inherently bad. However, it has the potential to endanger our diversity and traditional knowledge. We must work together to determine how to preserve and foster our cultural heritages at the same time we embrace the future.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Abolition Of Death Penalty In India
Abolition Of Death Penalty In India Mahatma Gandhi, who preached non-violence and through the same was successful in attaining independence for colonial India, said the above lines. Eye for an eye refers to vengeance which contrasts the Gandhian ideology of non-violence.In contrast, India has decided to retain the most brutal form of punishment death penalty, which has been abolished by 131 other countries. Tracing the history of abolition of death penalty in India, it dates back to 27th January1931, when this issue was brought about in the legislative assembly headed by Shri Gaya Prasad Singh.à [2]à Death penalty is one of the oldest forms of punishment, even though the method of execution has evolved over the years. This form of punishment has been prescribed under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 which introduced the preliminary concepts of criminal law in India. To a layman, death penalty is awarded for offences like murder section 302 of IPC. The most recent execution had been that of DhananjoyChatterjee, whose case has been examined in detail in our paper. This paper will study the recent trends of abolition of death penalty and evaluate Indias stand on the same. After this, various cases will be discussed to understand the meaning and scope of the term rarest of rare. Our main case in discussion is that of DhananjoyChatterjee, who was awarded death penalty. This case will bring out the restrictive interpretation of rarest of rare term. To sum up, the purpose of our paper is to put forward the arguments in favour of abolition of death penalty. RECENT TRENDS OF ABOLOTION OF DEATH PENALTY Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of UN, in 2007 said, I recognize the growing trend in international law and in national practice towards a phasing out of the death penalty.à [3]à There has been a worldwide concern regarding the abolition of death penalty. The UN General Assembly made the first instance towards any such abolition in 1948 by adopting Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). They strongly advocated the concept of right to life. Article 3 and 5 of UDHR cater to the inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. Article 6 states that no one should be deprived of life and the countries, which are still practicing death penalty, sentence must be given for the most serious crime in accordance with the law. India too claims to have retained death penalty on the ground that it will be awarded only in the rarest of rare cases and for special reasons.à [4]à Amnesty International reports indicate that a total of 131 countries have abolished death penalty. While 66 other countries have chosen to retain this form of punishment but the number of countries actually executing the punishment is in the minority.à [5]à In 2007, the UN General Assembly approved a resolution, which called all the states to establish a ban on execution with the purpose of abolishing the death penalty. This further strengthens the movement against this form of punishment. Forty-eight countries including India opposed countries that voted in favor of it. In light of the above information India must realize the importance of abolishing death penalty in order to keep up with the rest of the world. It must be kept in mind that Indias stand in retaining death penalty is contrary to the international trend but it always seeks for justifiable ground to award such punishments. DHANANJOY CHATTERJEE Alias DHANA v. STATE OF WEST BENGAL In the present case, DhananjoyChatterjee, the accused, raped and murdered a 18 year old school going girl. The Additional Session judge found him guilty and convicted the accused : (i) for an offence under Section 302 IPC and sentenced him to death, (ii) for an offence under Section 376 IPC and sentenced him to imprisonment for life, and (iii) for the offence under Section 380 IPC, he was sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for five year. The High court confirmed the death sentence after which the appeal was filed, and the Supreme Court confirmed death sentence again. Justice AS Ananad examined the case in the light of the circumstantial evidence since there were no eyewitnesses and confirmed death penalty. He categorized this case under the rarest of rare cases arguing that it was a cold blooded pre-planned brutal murder, without any provocation, after committing rape on an innocent and defenseless young girl of 18 years. He further says that such a case deserves no other punishment than capital punishment. India has witnessed various heinous crimes but the biggest problem faced by the courts is whether to categorize a particular murder under the rarest of rare cases. Though the term rarest of rare is complicated to define, but the Supreme Court in Bachhan Singhs explained what constitutes rarest of rare. The Supreme Court discussed the circumstances of such cases. These circumstances include that the murder committed should be extremely brutal, grotesque, diabolical, revolting or dastardly manner so as to arouse intense and extreme indignation of the community, it should be for a motive which evinces total depravity and meanness, murder of a scheduled cast or scheduled tribe- arousing social wrath (not for personal reasons), bride burning/ dowry death, murderer in a dominating position, position of trust or in course of betrayal of the motherland, where it is enormous in proportion or when the victim is an innocent child, helpless woman, old/infirm person, public figure generally loved and respected by the community. In Panchhi v State of Uttar Pradesh, one of the important cases which stated that brutality is not the only factor that determines whether the case will fall under the rarest of rare category and thereby, life imprisonment can be a better substitution rather than commuting death sentence. The court opined:- No doubt brutality looms large in the murders in this case particularly of the old and also the tender age child. It may be that the manner in which a murder was perpetrated may be a ground but not the sole criterion for judging whether the case is one of the rarest of rare cases as indicated in Bachan Singhs case.à [6]à In State of Maharashtra v Bharat Fakir Dhiwar, even though the accused was held guilty of murder and rape, but the High court acquitted the accused. Furthermore, the Supreme Court refused to take strong stand on death penalty and awarded life imprisonment. Instead, the accused was awarded with life imprisonment. The facts of the cases are, prima facie, diabolical that the lesser option was to give life imprisonment instead of death sentence. EdigaAnamma v. State of Andhra Pradesh is another landmark judgment which involves death penalty awarded to female criminals. Justice Krishna Iyer on the basis of certain factors like gender, socio economic background, and age, psychic reversed the punishment from death sentence to life imprisonment. It was laid down that while evaluating the death penalty, the crime committed should not be the sole criterion for determining the crime but various other factors should also be taken into account. The case of SwamyShraddananda and MuraliManohar Mishra v. State of Karnataka is another case which depicts restricted interpretation of rarest of the rare category. Life imprisonment usually of 14 years was extended for the remaining life of the accused. This was the first time that a court attempted to award life imprisonment by altering the period of punishment. In Santosh Kumar SatishBhushanBariyarvs State of Maharashtra, the accused with three others lured the victim to a particular place with the purpose of confining his movement to ask for ransom. They threatened to kill him if the family did not pay the ransom. Eventually they killed the victim and cut his body into pieces to dispose of at different places. Along with Bariyar, the other accused were also arrested and charged under S.302 and S.364B read with S.120B of the IPC. Bariyar was awarded death sentence which was upheld by the high court stating that Bariyar was the protagonist of the act. However, the Supreme Court refused to award death penalty based on the reasoning that the circumstances were not sufficient enough to constitute rarest of the rare case. The court further supported the judgment by saying that the accused were not professional killers, without any criminal history, but the motive of collecting the money had lead them commit the crime. They relied on the theories of punishment and believe that the Bariyar could be reformed and rehabilitated and hence awarded him rigorous life imprisonment. This is a landmark case which is a step closer to the abolition of death penalty in India, hence was well received by the abolitionists.à [7]à In other words it restricted the scope of rarest of the rare cases. From the facts it can be gauged that the crime committed was extremely grotesque yet the punishment awarded was not in proportion. Based on the landmark cases and the work done by B.B Pande on capital punishment, well be examining the legal perspectives in support of abolition of death penalty in India. The arguments made in favour of the abolition can be discussed in a thematical framework. In Rajendra Prasad v State of U.P, certain fundamental issues relating to law have Right to life is the fundamental right as laid down in the constitution. This theme plays an important role in the debate against death penalty. The constitutional arguments as raised by Justice Krishna Iyer in Rajendra Prasad v State of U.P will be reflect an abolitionists perspective. The points raised by Justice Iyer are: 1) the deprivation of life under our system is too fundamental to be permitted save on the gravest ground and under the strictest scrutiny if Justice, Dignity, Fair Procedure are creed ally constitutionalà [8]à . 2) The right to life and to fundamental freedom is deprived when he (accused) is hanged to death, is dignity is defiled when his neck is noosed and strangled.à [9]à 3) The judge who sits to decide between death penalty and life sentence must ask himself: Is it reasonably necessary to extinguish his freedom of speech of assembly and association of free-movement, by putting out finally the very flame of life?à [10]à he goes into the retrospecti on of the judge deciding the death penalty and is it reasonable to extinguish to every flame of life out of the accused.à [11]à 4) you cannot be unusually cruel for that spells arbitrariness and violates Article 14.à [12]à 5) Through this he is trying to bring to notice that this form of punishment violates article (14) which talk about equality before law such punishments are also in violation of the Preamble which speaks of dignity of the individual.à [13]à 5) you cannot inflict degrading punishment since the preamble speaks of the dignity of the individual. 6) Social Justice, which the preamble and Article 38 highlight as paramount in the governance of the country, also has a role to mould the sentence.à [14]à Through these arguments put forward by Justice Iyer clearly indicates him to be a believer of abolition of death penalty. Through the issues he wants to highlight the basic rights, one of them being Right to Life which is violated on execution of death penalty. In his argument, he highlights that the death penalty deprives the criminal from right to life and questions if the crime committed is so grave that a constitutional right needs to be compromised on? In contrary, all other fundamental rights are given equal importance in India. Such degrading punishments defeat the purpose of Article (14) which talks about equality before law. In other words, this form of punishment can be said to be unconstitutional. Justice Iyer points out to the absence of proper guidelines and standards in awarding life imprisonment or death sentence in Section. 302 of IPC. This in turn gives over- wide power in matters of life and death. Sections. 303 and 307 prescribe death penalty as the only form of punishment. Section.302 prescribes only one alternative to death penalty i.e. life imprisonment. The basic problem arising here is that the only alternative to death penalty is life imprisonment. So, the question of when and which punishment is left at the discretion of the judges. Another matter complexing the situation is that the punishments under IPC are limited. Therefore, the scope of awarding punishments in brutal and diabolical cases is restricted because of the sections enacted under IPC. Among the prevailing theory of punishments, one of the important factors of death penalty is deterrence. This element of death penalty is given a lot of importance because it has been presumed by the courts that will deter crimes to be committed in the future. This theory is supported by Justice Sen, who argued that the deterrence is generally held to be the most important, although the continuing public demand for retribution cannot be ignored.à [15]à It is still believed that through death penalty deterrence can be the factor that refrain a person from committing a crime. However, the statistics shows that this impression about deterrence is proved to be wrong. According to the Indian Crime Report of 2007 which states disturbing figures, 19,89,673 are crimes related to IPC.à [16]à It also shows that the IPC crime rate in 2007 was 175.1 whereas in 2006 it was 167.7.à [17]à These figures clearly contradict the presumptions taken by the courts on deterrence. Thus, it is al so stated in the 35th report produced in 1967 the Law Commission took the view that capital punishment acted as a deterrent to crime.à [18]à A deeper study of the implications of death penalty gives us a social aspect of this punishment which is not evident otherwise. In this perspective we can observe that the death penalty affects the poor and the helples that are to be protected by the law. The significant role of the law is to protect the people and society by laying down rules for the proper justice. However, the process and the practices implemented till now have been biased specially towards the poor and the helpless. The social inequalities are highlighted through the judgments given in different cases. In DayanidhiBisoi v State of Orissa, the accused was working as a peon which indicates about its weak economic background. Thus, this element is betokening of the wrong judgment executed by the courts. According to the cases stated above, it is evident that the rarest of rare term has been interpreted in a restrictive manner. Even after the guildines laid down by the court in the Bachhan Singh case, the judicial discretion has played an important role in defining the rarest of rare cases. For every offence where death penalty is awarded, the court looks at various aspects of the offence to decide whether it is rare enough to award death penalty. In Rajendra Prasad case, the court defined the parameters for awarding death penalty. It was further stated that the death penalty must relate to the criminal and not with the crime. In Bariyar case, brutality was not the only factor for determining death sentence for the accused, the court emphasized on the other aspects like the professional background of the accused as well as his criminal history. In EdigaAnamma case, the female criminals socio-economic background was looked into. Therefore, it can be confidently said that inspite of ma ny death penalties awarded no clear standard has evolved to clear the stand of the courts on rarest of rare term. This gives rise to erroneous judgments which in the past have taken place in almost seven cases convicting thirteen criminals and awarding them death penalty. Coming to the DhananjoyChatterjees case, in light of the above arguments, the crime or the criminal clearly does not come under the rarest of rare cases. There is a thin line between the rarest of rare and ordinary case but again its judicial discretion that plays the deciding factor. CONCLUSION Various arguments have been made in favor of the abolition of death penalty. The purpose of this paper is to bring together the analysis from the landmark cases to infer what constitutes rarest of rare. The judgment in Bariyar can be considered as a significant one because it gave importance to the reformatory and rehabilitation scheme. The court said that the prosecution has to first prove that the case belong to the rarest of the rare category after which they also have to provide evidence as to why accused was not fit for any kind of reformation. After which, the death sentence could be awarded. It is important for a developing nation like ours to match up to the international standards and do away with the forms of punishment that hinder its progress.We hope that India works towards complete abolition of death penalty!!
Monday, August 19, 2019
Exploring the Themes of Forgiveness and Reconciliation in The Tempest b
Exploring the Themes of Forgiveness and Reconciliation in The Tempest by William Shakespeare Prospero is a character that seems to stand at the very centre of The Tempest. Throughout the play, he prompts most of the action, and he has the last word. The entire plot of the play is a scheme designed by Prospero to bring his rivals to a state of regret so that he can pardon them and restore the rightful order of things to his dukedom of Milan. As Prospero is seen as being all-powerful over the island, he could easily destroy or punish his enemies by any method or means. However, he chooses not to and brings the past conspirators face-to- face with the sins of their past, which causes them to be repentant. In a god-like way, Prospero forgives each of them, allowing them to live and return to Italy. In appreciation, they promise to faithfully serve Prospero. It is a picture of full reconciliation, with the exception of Antonio. This shows that the theme of this play is the ?chain of forgiveness and reconciliation?, filled with religious overtones. The religious theme in this play may be shown by how Prospero exemplifies wisdom, justice, and super-human good judgement. In relation to the other characters, this may be argued to show a Christ -like representation of Prospero to the readers or audience of the play. The time when the play was written would mean an audience composed of Christians, who would have almost certainly agreed that forgiveness was essential. Like Jesus he is betrayed by his enemies. After he is stripped of his power, Prospero is then sent to die at sea; but he is almost miraculously raised from the near-dead due to the loving care of Gonzalo, who is a God-like figure due to his age, wisdom, kindness ... ...dy. Act five presents a climax, when Prospero confronts his enemies, brings them to repentance and forgives them. Those whowere though dead were discovered alive, a lost son id resorted to a joyous parent and Those who have committed offenses repent and are forgiven. The conclusion shows how the reconciliation is brought about. What isn't clear is whether Prospero intends from the beginning to forgive his old enemies or whether his mercy is a last-minute decision. Merinda and Ferdinand are blissfully wedded a and Prospero is restored his rightful position and plans to sail home. He also generously forgives those who have wronged him, proving that ?the rarer action is in virtue rather than vengeance? because he concentrates on the re-growth instead of revenge, Prospero proves the true nobility of his character, while allowing all the characters to better themselves.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Supervision Essay -- Business, Supervision, Routine Problems
The salesman's job often requires to produce innovative solutions to non routine problems every day sales team have to face the different and challenging customer as there were many other brands for the same medicine therefore, sales person have to try utmost to convince to prefer the brand for medicine and accomplish sales target. Every sales jobs of course, demand more innovativeness than others sales person should be very clear about his product its efficiency and effectiveness must have know how Though the demand for innovativeness is inherent in the job, the impact of that demand on the salesman's well-being and performance is influenced by company policies and management actions. Evanââ¬â¢s (1974) one of the elements of supervisory style is the rate of communication between the sales manager and his salesmen. No matter whatever is the medium of communication among supervisor and sales force, telephone conversations, or written letters and memoranda, the more probable the salesman is to understand and implement and appreciate his supervisor's demands and his company's policies particularly those relating to his evaluation, compensation and endorsement. Empirical findings from several previous studies support the connection between performance feedback provided by supervisors and salespeople's role clarity second type of supervisory control focuses not on sales output, but rather on salespeople's reactions. The more frequent the communication between the salesman and his superiors, the more likely it is that he will feel that he has an input into policy decisions affecting his position in the company. One variable that reflects how the firm's authority stru cture is total number of departments that can modify the terms of a sa... ...much value in close supervision and it does not lead to greater subordinate satisfaction (Harris, 1967). Thus, the theory suggests that the more a subordinate values a supervisory behavior, the more employees responsive to it, and consequently the stronger is the relationship between the behavior and subordinate satisfaction argue that experienced salespeople were fewer likely to have feelings of ambiguity and therefore, were less likely to need close supervision. In contrast, less experienced salespeople were more possible to have feelings of ambiguity and to value initiation of structure to a greater level. Robertââ¬â¢s (1978) Less experienced salespeople therefore, would be more active and alert to the supervisory behavior so the author expect initiation of structure to have a greater outcome on the role clarity and job satisfaction of less experienced salespeople.
Lady Macbeth as the True Villain with Teacher Commentary :: essays research papers
At the end of the play Macbeth is a broken manâ⬠. Do you agree? How does the downfall of Macbeth maintain audience interest and how is the ending essential to the tragedy of Macbeth? At the end of the play Macbeth is a broken man because throughout the play he has continued to dig a hole of pity and self remorse, and his conscience comes to a point where there is no turning back. [[well put ââ¬â in a sense you are defining ââ¬Å"broken manâ⬠here]]After this comprehension, Macbeth breaks down and becomes a confused, irate, irrational man. The audience maintains interest in Macbeth, because through the evil a sense of innate nobility and loyalty still exists for the audience to feel a sense of waste and lost potential. [excellent idea]]This connection is what keeps the audience engrossed in the play until the finish. Macbeth is like every other human being. He has the potential to do evil. He has a tragic flaw, or an Achilles Heel. [[ although I agree with you itââ¬â¢s worth keeping in mind the fact that many other people might not like to think of themselves like this ââ¬â you may need to argue a little more to explain how we are all caught up in this web of evil]]Macbethââ¬â¢s is Ambition and Greed. Anyone that spurs his intent and ambition will create a chain of deadly consequences. In this case, the witches triggered the evil and hatred that exists within. ââ¬Å"All hail Macbeth, Thane of Glamisâ⬠ââ¬Å"All hail Macbeth, Thane of Cawdorâ⬠ââ¬Å"All hail Macbeth, King of Scotlandâ⬠Evil is a drug that has poisoned Macbeth. Although Macbeth knows what the consequences of evil actions are, he carries out the murder of Duncan. But, what I have come to realise is that Macbeth did not have a choice. The witches told him of the future, so Macbeth understood the outcome and knew that his evil was an inevitable force that would throw him into a realm of a good or evil. [[THIS IS A REALLY INTERESTING IDEA ââ¬â you could develop it further, perhaps also consider that the he really understand that the realm he will be thrown into is MUCH MORE evil than good]] So we have to ask, does Macbeth really have an evil conscience? Did he do his actions by choice or by a commandment of what the supernatural have told him to do? [[this is a wonderful line of argument - try to build on it]]
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Diversity Training Manual
Diversity Training Manual: Part 1 Abstract This paper is the first part of a training manual that will help employees to have a better understanding of diversity in the work place and how to act towards different diversity issues that may arise in the workplace. It will also give current statistics and recent trends of the demographics in the United States as well as the forecasted trends. Also included will be a rough outline of the entire contents of the manual and the table of contents for the manual. Table of Contents Introduction: Section 1: Current Statistics of the Demographics of the Population in the United States Section 2: Recent Trends of the Demographics in the United States a)Immigrants versus natives b)Religion c)Age d)Race Section 3: Forecasted Trends of the Demographics in the United States Section 4: Forms of discrimination a)Legislation covering discrimination b)Customs and values of different groups c)How to deal with differing values and customs d)Legislation affecting supervisor regulation Introduction What is diversity? Diversity is simply everything that makes people different from one another. It refers to different languages, races, age groups, gender, and religion (Bucher, 2010). A few decades ago the main part of the workforce was white men between the ages of 20 and 60. Now there are a larger number of women joining the work force along with younger people between the ages of 16 to 26 (AIU, 2011). There was also a mostly white workforce. Due to immigrants coming in from other countries, there are now other races in the workforce (Bucher, 2010). These immigrants are bringing with them different work habits, different languages and different religions. If the amount of immigrants continues at its present rate, it is projected that by the year 2050 the population of the United States will be 438 million and 82% of the population will be new immigrants arriving in the United States and their descendants that will be born as U. S. citizens (Passel & Cohn, 2008). As the number of immigrants increases, the number of the non-Hispanic white population will decrease. It has been forecasted that by the year 2050 whites will be a minority group. They will only account for 47% of the population where the Hispanics and Asians will be the majority (Passel & Cohn, 2008). Another demographic change that is going to take place is the age of the work force. With all the advances being made in the medical field people are living longer and are able to work longer. The workforce used to be made of men that had similar capabilities that were between the ages of 20 and 60. Now there are four different age groups to consider, there are the traditionalists that are over the age of 60. Then there are the baby boomers that are between the ages of 44 and 60. Generation X is between the ages of 26 and 44 and then there is generation Y that is younger than 26. All these age groups need to be communicated to differently but have to be treated equally (Pierce, 2011). This training manual is going to help everyone to think outside of their own culture and learn how to communicate with others that do not always share the same views. References AIU Online (2011). Unit 1: Current Workforce Make-Up. Retrieved on November 11, 2011 from https://mycampus. com/classroom/Pages/multimediacorsetext. Bucher, Richard D. (2010). Diversity Consciousness Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures, and Opportunities (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Passel, Jeffery and Cohn, Dââ¬â¢Vera (February 11, 2008). Immigration to Play Lead Role in Future U. S. Growth. Retrieved on November 11, 2011 from http://pewresearch. org/pubs/729/united-states-population-projections Pew Research Center (February 25, 2008). The U. S. Religious Landscape Survey Reveals a Fluid Diverse Pattern of Faith. Retrieved on November 11, 2011 from http://pewresearch. org/pubs/743/united-states-religion. Pierce, Rick (2011). Dealing with a Changing Workforce-Supervision in the 21st Century. Retrieved on November 11, 2011 from http://www. businessexperwebinars. com/content/view/593/29/
Friday, August 16, 2019
Folic Acid
Folic Acid is a B vitamin, specifically B9. It is an essential nutrient required by the body to create healthy new cells. While we hear about it mostly in regards to pregnancy, it is important to understand that the need for folic acid goes even beyond this. Folic acid is essential for the body to create red blood cells which in turn prevents anemia. It is also plays an important role in the metabolism of homocysteine, an amino acid. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for all men and women 14 and older is 400 mcg.Men often donââ¬â¢t realize this as the benefits to pregnant women are more publicized, but any human being is in need of proper amounts of folic acid to insure the body is able to create new red blood cells to nourish the body with oxygen. The recommendation is to either get this amount by using a dietary supplement or eating foods fortified with folic acid. Folic acid is the synthetic version of folate and appears to be absorbed by the body (also known as bioavaila ble) much better than the folate occurring naturally in food.One mcg of food folate (also called 1 DFE ââ¬â Dietary Folate Equivalent) is equal to 0. 6 mcg of synthetic folic acid. This means that to meet the RDA from food alone, a woman or man would have to eat food naturally containing about 667 mcg per day (400/0. 6 ) which might prove difficult. Folic Acid is especially important to pregnant women. Women that have sufficient Folic Acid in their diet before and after they conceive, have a 50-70% less chance of having a baby with a brain or spine defect such as spina bifida or anencephaly . 1) Because of this the recommended dietary allowance for pregnant women is higher than for a woman that is not pregnant. The RDA for pregnant women is 600 mcg as opposed to 400 mcg. Any woman of childbearing age should be taking between 400 mcg ââ¬â 600 mcg per day as about half of all pregnancies are unplanned. If a woman does not start supplementation until she is pregnant she has alr eady lost some of the benefits, though starting it as soon as possible is still better than continuing with no supplementation. After her child is born she should continue supplementing as the RDA is 500 mcg during lactation.By consuming adequate folic acid while breastfeeding, a woman is providing her child with folic acid through her breast milk while still having enough to nourish her own body. There is continued study into other possible benefits of folic acid. One area of study is whether folic acid aids in prevention of heart disease. The studies have specifically looked at the amino acid homocysteine. Folic acid is known to break down homocysteine in the body. High levels of homocysteine in the blood are related to a higher risk of heart disease, but this hasnââ¬â¢t conclusively been shown to be a cause of heart disease.Because of the lack of evidence the American Heart Association (AHA) is not at this time considering hyperhomocysteinemia (too much homocystein) a major ri sk factor for cardiovascular disease. AHAââ¬â¢s recommendation is to try and get the recommended allowance from fruits, vegetables and fat free or low fat dairy products. They say that supplements should only be used when the diet does not supply enough. Evidence is clear for folic acid supplementation reducing homocystein levels but is still lacking on whether homocystein will lower risk for cardiovascular disease. 2) Another area of study is folic acidââ¬â¢s role in reducing risk of certain forms of cancer. Low levels of folic acid in the blood have been linked to colon cancer, but it is too early to say if folic acid supplements can reduce risk of colon cancer. Other cancers that have been studied in relation to folic acid are breast, ovarian, pancreatic, esophageal, and stomach. Some have shown benefits to supplementation, but the results were not reproduced in subsequent studies, so at this time there is no recommendation for supplementation of folic acid to reduce risk o f cancer.The American Cancer Society similar to the AHA recommendation is to eat a healthful diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables that contain folic acid along with other vitamins. Folic acid plays many important roles in the body. There is no doubting that it is essential. The reason that we need a constant stream of it is because it is not stored in large quantities in the body. It is water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins are stored for longer in our system. When ingested, the body uses what it can and the rest comes out in urine, in very little time the body will need more.We discussed how pregnant women get a proven benefit, and studies continue on its role in reducing risks of other diseases, but regardless of what additional benefits are found, it is clear that without folic acid in our bodies, we would not be alive. Folic acid aids in the production of red blood cells and the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Folate even has a role in the digestive system! It works with vitamins B 12 and C to help the body digest and synthesize proteins. Lastly, folic acid helps tissues grow and cells function, it is an integral part of the body working as it should.You might wonder what would happen if you stopped consuming folic acid in the form of supplements or foods. One consequence that is quite likely under these conditions is folate-deficiency anemia. This type of anemia occurs when red cell production slows and the body no longer has a sufficient amount. Without enough red blood cells, oxygen cannot travel around the body quick enough. In a severe form, where the body is not making enough red blood cells over a period of time, the heart can start to malfunction. To compensate for the lack of oxygen getting to the body, the heart will start to beat faster in an attempt to correct the situation.Over a period of time this can cause congestive heart failure and even death. Shorter term symptoms would be fatigue, headaches, and pallor. Recovering completely from anemia ca n take several months. (3) The good news however is that folic acid is readily available. Beef Liver is a good meat source of folic acid with about 185 micrograms in 3 ounces. While liver is a great source, there are luckily many others for those of us that are not liver fans. Other natural sources are black eyed peas and spinach. Both have about 100 mcg of folate per 1/2 cup.Other vegetable sources are great northern beans (90 mcg), asparagus (85 mcg in 4 spears), vegetarian baked beans (60 mcg in 1 cup), broccoli (50 mcg in 1/2 cup), romaine lettuce (40 mcg in 1/2 cup), and avocado (45 mcg in 1/2 cup). If you prefer fruits, some examples of fruit sources are oranges, cantaloupe, papayas and bananas. A serving of each of these provides between 25-30 mcg of folic acid. Besides folate occurring naturally in foods, some foods are fortified as a result of the folic acid fortification regulations published by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) Foods that are folic acid fortified incl ude cereal, pasta, and bread.Some cereals have 100% recommended daily value of 400 micrograms in 3/4 cup. One bowl of some cereals could provide your daily requirement of folic acid! Other cereals are fortified but to a lesser degree having about 100 mcg per 3/4 cup. Rice and breads are often fortified as well. One half cup of rice has 65 mcg of folic acid, while one slice of bread has 25 mcg. One of the latest news stories highlighted that folic acid was recently studied in its relation to academic success. Swedish researchers found that teens with higher levels of folic acid circulating did better academically than those with lower folic acid levels.The study noted that while there is no scientific evidence that taking folate supplements will be beneficial for teens, the results of this study show that there is a relationship. (4) Fruits and vegetables are certainly important in a diet, but in addition to healthful food, there seems to be clear evidence that a daily supplement or deliberate consumption of folic acid fortified foods will ensure you are reaching the RDA and allowing your body to function to its highest capacity. The Upper Limit recommendation is 1000 mcg, so there should be low concern if you, for example, have a day with high folate foods plus a supplement.Toxicity related to folic acid is very rare. While I always understood that folic acid was important to take as a supplement for pregnant women, I now understand much more deeply the importance it has for everyone. Before born, a baby is using folic acid to assist in development of the brain and spine. As a teen, there might be an academic benefit to having higher folate levels. Research has also pointed towards the elderly being less likely to have dementia and Alzheimerââ¬â¢s with proper folate intake.Throughout life, folate contributes to development and functioning of the brain and day in and day out folate helps your body function. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬ââ⠬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â 1. http://www. cdc. gov/ncbddd/folicacid/about. html 2 http://www. heart. org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/Homocysteine-Folic-Acid-and-Cardiovascular-Disease_UCM_305997_Article. jsp 3. http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/anemia/DS00321/DSECTION=complications 4. http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_114147. html Sample MenuWhile I am now convinced that a folic acid supplement is the best way to ensure adequate consumption of folic acid, the below menu is assuming I am not regularly taking a folic acid supplement. the menu doesnââ¬â¢t include all food I would eat, just those that have folic acid. Breakfast: 1 cup Cherrios ââ¬â 50% RDA = 200 mcg Lunch: 1/2 cup Success White Rice (fortified) ââ¬â 20% RDA = 80 mcg 4 Asparagus spears ââ¬â 22% RDA = 85 mcg Snack: 1 banana ââ¬â 8% RDA = 30 mcg Dinner: 2oz Barilla medium shells ââ¬â 30% RDA = 120 mcg Total: 515 mcg Another si mple choice is to have 1/3 cup of All Bran Buds for breakfast. This has 400 mcg! 100% of daily recommended value.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Jewish interfaith marriages and its possible impact on Judaism Essay
In the Jewish world there is much concern and ambivalence over the effect of interfaith marriages ââ¬â Jews marrying non-Jews. Those who are not familiar with their religion and customs may find it difficult to understand why such a dilemma exists in the modern world. A feeling that is not lost in younger generations of Jews. This has prompted many to seek answers whether the Jewish race is threatened by this new trend or will it result in something else. This paper will attempt to shed light on the common misconception that Jewish interfaith marriages (a.k. a. intermarriages) are eliminating Judaism in America. This is because some studies point to the opposite; the high rate of intermarriages can even reinforce Jewish identity ââ¬â ethnic distinctiveness and Jewish culture ââ¬â when the community, family and institutions welcome the intermarried couple into their midst. Most of the ideas and concepts that will be used here are taken from Calvin Goldscheiderââ¬â¢s twin works an article entitled Are American Jews Vanishing Again? And a book entitled Studying the Jewish Future. Unless noted otherwise the proponent will liberally use Goldsheiderââ¬â¢s point of view, which is acceptance of interfaith marriages as a positive force that is shaping modern day Judaism. In Context One generally accepted rule is to never marry a non-Jew. And this may perhaps explain the reason why even in the 21st century Jews can boast of an unbroken line that stretches even as far back to antiquity. It is this determination to survive against all odds that made them a unique people group. There are at least two major reasons why the Jews feel this way. First of all it is part of their religious beliefs that it is much better to marry fellow Jews than to be yoked with an unbeliever. This is also a practice rooted in practicality because it would be difficult for an outsider to follow all the complicated rules and rituals that a Jewish person should observed to maintain his or her status in the community. Secondly, the Jews are conscious of the fact that their people survived countless trials, tribulations and the test of time precisely because of their enduring belief that they should stick together. To fully understand their point of view one has to dig deep into their sacred books. The Jewish Bible, in the book of Yehoshua (Joshua), on the third chapter, one can see a list of ancient peoples that co-existed with the Jews and these are the: 1) Canaanites; 2) Hittites; 3) Hivites; 4; Perizzites, 5) Girgashites; 6) Amorites; and 7) Jebusites. One may try to look hard and scour the modern world; travel far and wide and still could not find any single trace of the aforementioned people groups. They are all gone. But the Jews remain. There is no need to elaborate upon the horrors that this group has encountered in the thousands of years of existence. And all of this can be attributed to an undying devotion to their God and deep sense of community. It is now clear why many see interfaith marriages as a threat to the survival of the Jewish race. It is no exaggeration to say that many are alarmed and convinced that this generation is the end of the road for them, especially to American Jews who live in a materialistic world that seems to have no time to revisit the past and hang on to outmoded traditions. But for a very long time there was no cause for alarm. Shapiro in his book on American Jewry in the 20th century described the self-satisfied demeanor of most Jewish leaders when it comes to exogamy. And he said that it was a common belief that, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ Jews had a reputation for resisting intermarriage, that the Jewish rate of endogamy was far higher that that of any other white ethnic religious group, and that American Jewish leaders and scholars complacently believed the threat of intermarriage had been containedâ⬠(1992, p. 234). They soon found out that this was not the case as the world approaches the 21st century. And everyone was scrambling to reverse the trend but it may be too late.
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